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2024-07-07, 02:30
share ko lang po ang pagpasa ko sa exam maraming salamat kay Lord at kay St. Jude..sa pagnobena ko po kapag Thursday maraming salamat po
Christopher Rodico
2024-06-24, 22:33
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, mama Mary and my devotion to my patron saint Jude Thaddeus sa mga intercession and granted prayer request

July 23, 2024



The calyx of a flower is the outer leaf surrounding the forming petals, keeping them safe as they develop.  It forms a sort of “nursery” for the tender petals to grow.  As they grow within this hidden place, the calyx keeps them safe.  And once they become developed, the calyx opens and reveals the beauty within.  So it is with your soul.  The “calyx of your soul” is a gift from God protecting your inner virtues as the dew of His Mercy gently seeps in so as to nourish the budding virtues within.  And when fully matured, the radiance of these virtues shines forth so that the fragrance of grace becomes visible to all who gaze upon this work of God (See Diary #1064).

Look into your own soul this day.  What do you see?  Do you see sin and corruption?  If so, repent of this and allow the Mercy of God to heal it through your confession.  From there, allow Mercy to also nourish your inner soul so as to create a hidden inner sanctuary of His splendor.  God desires to make your soul beautiful and as He forms you from within, He will allow those virtues to shine forth at the proper time.  Wait on Him, let the dew of His gentle care sink in, creating His masterpiece.  Reflect upon this sanctuary within you, this day.  Rejoice in the protective covering of your soul as God does His miraculous work and be comforted by what you see forming.  Surrender all to grace and allow the Creator of all to transform you into His radiant and fragrant gift to the world.

"Lord, I thank You for the safety of this inner sanctuary in my soul.  I thank You for gently entering in so as to nourish me as You form Your new creation within.  May the dew of Your Mercy bring healing and forgiveness to the corruption of my sin, and may it strengthen me so that You can form the virtues that You desire to create.  I thank You for Your perfect wisdom and power and give myself to Your gentle care.  Jesus, I trust in You."