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2024-07-07, 02:30
share ko lang po ang pagpasa ko sa exam maraming salamat kay Lord at kay St. Jude..sa pagnobena ko po kapag Thursday maraming salamat po
Christopher Rodico
2024-06-24, 22:33
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, mama Mary and my devotion to my patron saint Jude Thaddeus sa mga intercession and granted prayer request


July 12, 2024



If you won a million dollars you probably wouldn’t say, “No, just give me $100, that’s all I want.”  And yet that is what we often do with the Mercy of God.  God offers an abundance of wealth and we choose to take only a small portion.  Why is that?  His Mercy is limitless.  It is infinite.  If we understood all that God wants to do in our souls, and then cooperated with Him and allowed Him to do it, we’d be in absolute awe and eternally grateful that we discovered this priceless treasure.  Perhaps the problem that many face in accepting His Mercy more fully is that it’s risky.  It’s risky in the sense that we must change.  Would a million dollars change your life?  Probably.  It would most likely change a number of things in your life, and not necessarily for the good.  But the Mercy of God is a treasure of infinitely more value.  Don’t hesitate! Take the risk to accept it and to allow it to change you for the good (See Diary #1017).

Do you hesitate in accepting God’s Mercy?  If you do it’s important to realize this, admit to it and face the reason why.  It’s a rare soul who is completely open to all that God wishes to bestow.  It’s a rare soul who is not cowed by the risk of total abandonment to the Mercy of God.  Choose to be one of those rare souls and embrace, without hesitation, all that God wants to pour out upon you and rejoice as you see His grace change your life.

"Precious Lord, I thank You for Your abundance of Mercy.  I thank You for loving me with such a perfect love that You burn with desire to lavish the riches of Your grace on my life in an endless way.  May I cease all hesitation in the face of this glorious gift and willingly accept You and all that Your Mercy will do in my soul.  I thank You, dear Lord.  Jesus, I trust in You."