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2024-07-07, 02:30
share ko lang po ang pagpasa ko sa exam maraming salamat kay Lord at kay St. Jude..sa pagnobena ko po kapag Thursday maraming salamat po
Christopher Rodico
2024-06-24, 22:33
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, mama Mary and my devotion to my patron saint Jude Thaddeus sa mga intercession and granted prayer request


Oct. 24, 2024



All of creation is capable of reflecting the glory and workings of God.  God is the wisdom behind the Universe, setting all its laws in order and guiding all things perfectly. 

We only need to spend time meditating upon the laws of nature to perceive the laws of grace which they reflect.  For example, take the morning dew.  It arrives silently and without notice of its coming.  It sinks in and soaks the earth leaving all things covered by its presence.  So it is with the countless graces of God’s Mercy.  It’s as if every grace God gives us is like one drop of the morning dew.  He bestows it in abundance, and we often do not see it coming.  It is given to soak in and to nourish our souls.  Let the message of the morning dew speak to you this day and allow it to reveal the outpouring of the Mercy of God (See Diary #1449).

Do you ever spend time reflecting upon creation?  There are so many lessons to learn about God through that which He created.  Ponder the morning dew this day.  Spend time on it and seek the countless messages that God can reveal through it.  Consider, also, the many other messages that reveal the wisdom and Mercy of God within creation.  We can grow in our faith and knowledge of God by pondering the birds, the grass, the fish, or any other creature God made.  Reflect upon creation this day and you will find that you are reflecting upon the Mercy of God.

"Lord, I thank You for the gift of creation and the countless ways that You speak through that which You created.  May my life be like the soil that soaks in the morning dew each day, being covered with Your grace.  I love You, dear Lord.  Help me to be more open to Your love each new day, and to see Your hand at work in all things You have Made.  Jesus, I trust in You."