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2024-07-07, 02:30
share ko lang po ang pagpasa ko sa exam maraming salamat kay Lord at kay St. Jude..sa pagnobena ko po kapag Thursday maraming salamat po
Christopher Rodico
2024-06-24, 22:33
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, mama Mary and my devotion to my patron saint Jude Thaddeus sa mga intercession and granted prayer request

Oct. 14, 2024



“Ignominy” could mean public shame, disgrace, humiliation and embarrassment.  But it takes on special meaning when applied to Jesus.  The “cloak of ignominy” refers to the public humiliation that Jesus endured as a result of His Cross.  He was condemned as a sinner and liar.  He was charged with deceiving the people and attempting to undermine the civil authorities.  He was the object of extreme hate and ultimate persecution by the religious leaders of His day.  This was a brutal blow.  If Jesus would have had the sin of pride He would clearly not have been able to endure their scorn and mistreatment.  He would have brought forth a myriad of angels to destroy His persecutors.  But He didn’t.  Instead, He endured every humiliation with confidence and integrity.  The sufferings Jesus endured never evoked in Him even a single feeling of hatred or revenge.  In fact, from the Cross itself He cried out, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.”  This powerful witness must influence you and strengthen you to pay no attention whatsoever to the false judgment of others.  God has no concern about false judgments and the public humiliation that these judgments impose.  Embracing the “cloak of ignominy” means you ultimately allow every worldly humiliation to dissipate before the Mercy and truth of God (See Diary 1418).

Reflect upon this struggle within you.  It requires great humility to ignore false opinions.  Seek to embrace that humility and allow the truth to make you free.  Jesus’ “cloak” must cover you since it is ultimately a cloak of His grace and Mercy.

"Lord, I take upon myself Your cloak of ignominy.  I wear it with confidence and trust.  Help my only care to be Your truth and to shed all other opinions that are contrary.  My happiness rests in You alone, dear Lord, and all my hope is in You.  Jesus, I trust in You."