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2024-07-07, 02:30
share ko lang po ang pagpasa ko sa exam maraming salamat kay Lord at kay St. Jude..sa pagnobena ko po kapag Thursday maraming salamat po
Christopher Rodico
2024-06-24, 22:33
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, mama Mary and my devotion to my patron saint Jude Thaddeus sa mga intercession and granted prayer request

Oct. 15, 2024


DIVINE MERCY REFLECTION: Silence in the Face of Ridicule



If you are given the glorious gift of a deep faith, many will see this and rejoice in it.  But it may be the occasion for some to have jealousy.  This is a sad and painful experience.  Know that the jealousy of another is not caused by you or by your faith, it is caused by their sin.  Therefore, if you experience the jealousy or ridicule of another stemming from their jealousy, do not be alarmed.  Certainly it is appropriate to feel holy sorrow over their action, but that sorrow must not turn into a wound.  Instead, pay no attention to the mistreatment of another other than this holy sorrow that leads to silent surrender to God.  Pray for this person and have great hope that their sin will be realized by them and that they will repent.  Your hope, your silent suffering, and your holy sorrow will become an act of Mercy to them allowing them to see the effects of their sin (See Diary #1422).


Accepting the darts of another’s sins can be difficult.  Reflect upon how you react when one of these arrows is sent your way.  Though it is easy to react with vengeance, your mistreatment by another offers you an opportunity for much grace.  Mercy, silence and holy sorrow provide you with the tools you need to help bring conversion to those who mistreat you.  This is difficult to do and can only be done when you have fully surrendered to the Mercy of God.  God loves you and He loves every sinner with a burning love.  Reflect upon that love God has for those who have hurt you and reflect upon the fact that you are in a unique situation to help them experience God’s love.  Do not shy away from this duty and the Lord will bless you more than you could ever imagine.

Lord, I pray that Your Mercy floods my heart, especially for those who have hurt me.  May I love them with Your Heart and become a source of grace in their lives.  I love You, dear Lord.  Jesus, I trust in You.