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Advent Reflection from Fr. Joseph
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
“Let us not resist his first coming, so that we may not dread the second” (words of St. Augustine in the fifth century). At Mass, the Church has us begin the season of Advent considering the Second Advent, the Second Coming of the Lord. In His first coming, 2,000 years ago, He came in humility and lowliness. He comes to us now in a hidden, yet profound, way, in the Holy Eucharist. And, at the end of time, He will come again in glory and majesty in His Second Coming.
St. Augustine continued: “We love him, yet we fear his coming. Are we really certain that we love him? Or do we love our sins more?”
So, this is the first “gift” that we can give Jesus as we begin this Advent season. We can give Him our sins. That’s what He came for – to take away the sins of the world – to take away my sins. Let’s give them all to Him. This is a season for making a good Confession – giving to Jesus all that we are ashamed of, all that has not been worthy of Him, all that separates us from Him. Give it all to Him. That’s what He came for.
Again from St. Augustine: “He will come, you know not when; and provided he finds you prepared, your ignorance of the time of his coming will not be held against you.”
You see, dear friends, we will not have to worry about His Second Coming if we prepare our hearts by giving Him our sins.
Together, let us continue to journey to the Divine Infant’s Manger.
Here are today's Mass readings:
First reading: Isaiah 63:16B-17, 19B; 64:2-7
Psalm: 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Second reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Gospel: Mark 13:33-37
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