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Matthew 7:7 | 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives;
the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Pilgrim Churches - Jubilee 2025
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Ask and You Shall Receive.
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St. Jacinta's vision of Hell changed her life
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Wedding Req'ts. in Saint Jude Shrine
Aug. 21, 2024
At times it can be helpful to speak openly and thoroughly to God about what we experience in life. You may feel compelled to talk and talk and talk. And God will listen. But there are other times when words seem quite insufficient. In fact, there are times when words appear to be counterproductive. In those moments the greatest blessings come through silence. We must realize that silence is a language. In fact, communication with God, in moments of silence, has potential to be far deeper than words can bring us. Do not be afraid of silent communication with God. Do not feel as though you must speak or even hear what He has to say. Simply being silent, in His presence, knowing that He is there may be exactly what your soul is in need of in those moments (See Diary #1200).
When you pray, do you feel as though you must speak continuously to our Lord? Do you feel as though you must talk continuously, saying this prayer or that one? Or are you content simply being in His presence in the silence? Ponder today your experience of being silent in the presence of God. Try to discern the unique and profound language God speaks this way. Try to commit yourself to these prolonged moments of silent communication with God and then look at the fruit they bear in your soul. If you discover that you are more at peace, gain a new level of clarity in life, or have grown in a certain confidence, then you can be assured that these good fruits in your life have come to you from God through the Mercy of His Heart, communicated to you in silence.
"Lord, I desire to seek You and know You. Help me to hear You speak through the silence. Help me to understand this deep language of love and to allow You to transform me through this form of prayer. I love You, dear Lord, and I desire to rest in Your Heart. Jesus, I trust in You."