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Aug. 29, 2024
DIVINE MERCY REFLECTION: Remedying Your Particular Sins
How do you overcome your sins? Every sin is different and requires specific prayer and sacrifice so as to detach from them. Three common sins are: those of the flesh, those of anger and those of pride. Each one of these sins can be overcome but may require special attention. If you struggle with sins of the flesh, try to fast. Give up that which is delightful to you on a physical level by fasting from various kinds of food or drink. For sins of anger, try to do some good deed or speak some kind word to the person with whom you are angry. Pray for them and speak the words of Jesus on the Cross, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” And for sins of pride, try to bow down prostrate before our Lord in prayerful humility, emptying yourself before Him. Seek to offer these specific remedies for the sins you struggle with and the Mercy of God will be poured down in abundance (See Diary #1248).
What are the specific sins you struggle with? Make sure that you regularly do a thorough examination of conscience, focusing on each one of the Ten Commandments in detail or on the seven capital sins. Once you have identified the main sins you struggle with, especially those that are habitual, seek a holy remedy for them. Penance for sins is like medicine. You need the right medication for each illness. Be open to the ways that God reveals to you these “medicines” for your soul and take them without hesitation. Each penance you do will open up the door of Mercy in a new and profound way in your life.
"Lord, I know that I am sick on account of my many sins. I am weak and in need of healing. Help me to see my sins and to face them with Your Mercy. Give me the means of overcoming them so that I may draw closer to You. I love You Lord, free me from all that keeps me from You. Jesus, I trust in You."
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