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Sept. 4, 2024
DIVINE MERCY REFLECTION:The Blessing of Those with Needs
If someone in your family were seriously ill, or in prison, or in some form of grave need, would that be a burden to you or a blessing? Think about it. Do those with special needs make your life more difficult? If this question were answered on a purely practical level the answer may be, “Yes.” But if it is answered on a more spiritual level, the answer is that those who “burden” us with their particular needs offer us an opportunity for great holiness. This is the case because those with special needs call forth from us a response of charity, compassion and the service of Mercy. If we see them as a burden, we are missing an extraordinary opportunity for grace. God often allows others to suffer and impose a holy burden upon us so as to allow us to manifest His Mercy. Seek out these special souls and offer them the love, care and Mercy present in the Heart of Jesus (See Diary #1268).
Who has God placed in your life? More specifically, who is it that carries a special suffering, illness, weakness or difficulty that requires extra care from you? It could be a sick child, a depressed spouse, an elderly parent, a manifest sinner or a friend in need. Whoever it is that comes to mind, try to see them and their needs as a graced invitation from our Lord to manifest His love and Mercy. They are a far greater blessing to you than you will ever realize. Allow their needs to evoke the compassion and care in the Heart of Christ through you.
Lord, please give me a heart like unto Yours. Give me Your perfect Heart of Mercy and compassion so that I may manifest Your perfect love for others. Help me to see all people as a gift and to recognize their infinite dignity. And as I seek to love them, I thank You for the blessings I receive in this selfless act. Jesus, I trust in You.
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Ut In Omnibus Glorificatus Deus | U.I.O.G.D. | That In All Things God May Be Glorified!
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