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"A dynamic and participative parish, relevant to the times and responsive to the needs of all sectors of a community, that is both evangelized and evangelizing, living the gospel values and working together with renewed hope for the kingdom of God."
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Matthew 7:7 | 7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives;
the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Pilgrim Churches - Jubilee 2025
Visit! New Adoration Chapel at the Shrine
Ask and You Shall Receive.
No To Divorce!
Confession Guide for Adults
SVD: The Love of God Impels us...
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St. Jacinta's vision of Hell changed her life
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Jesus is Pro-Life
Wedding Req'ts. in Saint Jude Shrine
Jan. 29, 2025
DIVINE MERCY REFLECTION 29: Moments Of Consolation
Just at the right time, if we are wholeheartedly seeking God every day, we will find that we receive a moment of consolation. It may be an unexpected peace or joy, we may feel enlightened and encouraged, or we may just sense the presence of God in our lives.
Whatever the case may be, remember the moments of consolation you receive. They will not accompany us every day, but they are given at certain moments to remind us God is with us. Remember those moments, especially when you struggle (See Diary #27).
Reflect, today, upon the last moment you experienced some grace or consolation from God. What was He telling you through that experience? Ponder it, sit with it, be grateful for it and remember it. Let God speak to you through those experiences and never forget what He says.
“Lord, I thank You for loving me with a perfect love. I thank You for coming to me in the moments I need You the most. Help me to always savor those moments and to remember them when life is difficult. Jesus, I trust in You.
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NEW The 3 o'clock Prayer to the Divine Mercy & (click here)
The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy (click here)
Let’s Pray for our PRIESTS!(click here)
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Ut In Omnibus Glorificatus Deus | U.I.O.G.D. | That In All Things God May Be Glorified!
(c) Copyright 2024 | National Shrine Of Saint Jude Thaddeus | Manila, Philippines