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Jan. 7, 2024
Today’s Reflection on the Epiphany from Fr. Joseph
Source: www.ewtn.com
Throughout our Advent and Christmas reflections, we have been seeking the Baby in the Manger. For the Magi, this was their goal as well. They traveled many miles seeking the Newborn King.
When they found Him, they gave Him gifts and they prostrated themselves before Him. Why would they do that? What was going on interiorly within them that impelled them to humble themselves before this Child?
The creature recognized the Creator in the humble vesture of a newborn Child, and they could not help but worship and acknowledge Him. In doing so, they delighted in having found the fulfillment of their great search and longing.
The journey of the Magi was difficult – and your journey may be difficult, too. But seeking Jesus is the most important expedition there is. And when we encounter Him anew, even daily, our hearts rejoice and are satisfied. We feel, then, that we are at home, for wherever Jesus is, there is our true home.
During the Christmas season, which we are still in, we have an opportunity to discover the presence of the newborn Jesus with new eyes. Mother Angelica said, “You need not join a monastery to hear the message of Christmas. The message is already in your heart, for that is where Love lives.”
I hope you have discovered or rediscovered this message of Christmas and Christ’s Love over the past few weeks. But more than that, I hope that every day of your life – during Advent, Christmas, or any time of the year – you recognize God’s love for you manifested in the Divine Child lying in a manger. May God bless you always.
Here are today's Mass readings:
First reading: Isaiah 60:1-6
Psalm: 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13
Second reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6
Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12
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