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2024-07-07, 02:30
share ko lang po ang pagpasa ko sa exam maraming salamat kay Lord at kay St. Jude..sa pagnobena ko po kapag Thursday maraming salamat po
Christopher Rodico
2024-06-24, 22:33
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, mama Mary and my devotion to my patron saint Jude Thaddeus sa mga intercession and granted prayer request


Oct. 16, 2024




When you look at the desire in your heart, what stands out the most?  Certainly there are many things that draw you.  Many worldly rewards and pleasures can easily occupy your longings.  A desire for physical pleasure, money and worldly success are among the strongest desires for many.  The single desire you should have is a desire to Love God.  From that desire you will also love others and you will find that your love of God is fulfilled by a deep longing to bring other souls to God’s Mercy.  Do you desire this?  Do you long to help others experience the tender Heart of our Lord, to know His compassion and to experience His Mercy?  If you have completely given yourself to the love of God then God will accept you and send you forth as His missionary of Mercy, searching for souls who are hungry for His love.  Allow yourself to be consumed with this passion and the Lord will use you in marvelous ways (See Diary #1426).



Reflect upon the desires of your heart this day.  Do not be afraid to admit to what is there.  Whatever you see you must confront and place in the hands of God.  His Mercy must become a consuming fire in your soul, burning away all that is not of Him.  When this happens, you will find a new desire placed in your heart by God.  It will be a desire for the salvation of many souls.  Let yourself receive this desire from our Lord and allow this desire to direct you in the Lord’s work of Divine Mercy.


Lord, I burn with a desire for many things.  Most of them I must humbly admit are not from You.  Please purify my heart, dear Lord, and make me holy.  Help me to love You with a perfect passion and from that love may I have a great desire for the souls of others.  I love You, dear Lord, please increase that love.  Jesus, I trust in You.