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Jan. 20, 2025
DIVINE MERCY REFLECTION 20: Give Your Life To Jesus Every Day
Once Jesus has accepted you and taken possession of your soul, do not worry about what is next. Do not expect life to change dramatically right away, but do not be surprised if it does.
All that matters is that you daily renew the gift of yourself to His merciful Heart and that you allow Him to daily renew His acceptance of you in His Heart (See Diary #15).
Look, today, at how often you renew the total giving of yourself to Jesus. Do you do this daily? Have you done so today already? Make this a daily habit and let the Lord work miracles in your life.
“Lord, I do renew my total self-giving to You this day and every day. May I turn to You always and abandon myself to You in every circumstance of life. Jesus, I trust in You.”