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2024-07-07, 02:30
share ko lang po ang pagpasa ko sa exam maraming salamat kay Lord at kay St. Jude..sa pagnobena ko po kapag Thursday maraming salamat po
Christopher Rodico
2024-06-24, 22:33
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, mama Mary and my devotion to my patron saint Jude Thaddeus sa mga intercession and granted prayer request

July 16, 2024



“I thirst.”  These two simple words have so much meaning.  They were spoken by our Lord from the Cross.  A soldier tried to offer some comfort by offering Him a sponge soaked in wine-vinegar to satiate Him.  The wine turned to vinegar is a symbol of the soul turned sour from sin.  After taking this sour wine Jesus cried, “It is finished!”  And then He died.  What does Jesus thirst for?  He thirsts for you, a sinner.  He does not turn away from you on account of your sins and the effect that they have had on your soul, He thirsts for you anyway.  He thirsts for your love.  He wants you to satiate His thirst by loving Him as you are despite your sins.  Pay no attention to foulness of your soul as a result of your sins.  Our Lord was satisfied with the wine turned vinegar so as to say that He is satisfied with you coming to Him in your fallen condition (See Diary #1032).

Reflect upon the image of the Crucifixion.  Ponder Jesus hanging there, broken and suffering.  In this state of great humiliation, Jesus cries out to you to bring comfort to His suffering.  He seeks your love.  Will you give it to Him?  Can you offer Him yourself so as to enable Him to cry out that it is finished?  It is finished when you love Him and give your life to Him.  Go to our Lord this day in prayer, and tell Him you love Him and desire to spend this life with Him and on through eternity.  In that act, you will quench His thirst.

"Lord, I thank You for thirsting for me in the midst of Your own suffering and pain.  Thank You for giving Your life to me, without reserve, as You hung upon the Cross.  Your love is the only thing that will ultimately satiate my thirsting soul.  Give me the grace I need to come to You, in my brokenness and sin, so as to offer You all that I have for Your thirst.  I love You, dear Lord, help me to love You more.  Jesus, I trust in You."

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